The breed was threatened with extinction. Much longer to breed than the big white pig, with a low reproduction rate and needing to live in the open air, the Mangalitsa is nevertheless reognized as the best of all pigs, giving exceptionally tasty pork.
Originally from Hungary, this woolly pig resulted from cross-breeding, from 1830, between traditional pigs from the Danube region dating back to the Middle Ages (Szalonta and Bakony breeds) and Sumadija pigs of Mediterranean descent, offered at the time by a Serbian prince to Austro-Hungarian Arch-Duke Joseph Anton Johann. This pig with its lively, stocky and hefty appearance, smaller than the classic pig, is characterized by its rustic nature ensuring high resistance to disease and the cold, thanks to its abundant woolly coat, thick and blond.
The Mangalitsa feeds on plants, acorns, chestnuts and roots, thus developing considerable fat beneath its skin and in all its flesh, and giving its meat extraordinary marbling and a very pronounced flavour. Finally, consumed in moderation, the Mangalitsa's fat is good for the health. Rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6, mono-unsatuated acids and antioxidants, it is good for the heart and regulates good cholesterol while reducing bad cholesterol. Yet another blessing from Mother Nature to be discovered at the Domaine de Rymska !